My First Foray into MVC
Thursday, February 1, 2024 @ 2:37 AM
Last edited: Thursday, February 1, 2024 @ 3:03 AM
I recently started working on an application which I'd like to make available as both a CLI and via a GUI. Before jumping in, I threw some questions at good ol' ChatGPT, and it lead me to taking a closer look at Model-View-Controller and multitier architecture. I was vaguely familiar with these patterns but had not employed them from the ground up before. They are pretty useful tools to have in yer belt, so I figured I'd share a bit about what I learned, as well as some code examples of how to implement MVC in Rust, with a little bit of dependency injection in the mix.
MVC and Multitier in a Nutshell
In MVC, "models" represent all of the business logic of an application. Forget about how a user is going to interact with the system, this is somewhat akin to the philosophical Platonic ideal of the application. What does it actually do?

Any surface the user will use to interact with the application is considered a "view." This could be a web application, a mobile app, or even a CLI. (Hey, that's what I was going on about at the beginning of this post!)
The controller is kinda like glue between the views and models. It decouples them so that the view isn't responsible for knowing anything about the model implementations, and similarly the model doesn't need to know about how to tell the view what to present. They translate the user interactions from the view into actions that can be imposed upon the models, and relay data back from the models to the view so the user can see what's happening.
There's a bit more to it than that, but that's why I left a link to the Wikipedia article up above.
Multitier architecture
Multitier follows a similar approach to MVC, with slightly different nomenclature. Basically there are layers to the application, including but not limited to: data, application/logic, and user interface. Loosely speaking, data corresponds to models, application/logic would be in controllers, and user interfaces are views. The interesting part here, to me, is that you can create a "data" interface that the application logic can interact with as a means of storing and retrieving information. This interface could be implemented using file storage, a database, cloud storage, etc. In theory, you can swap out the implementation of the data layer, and the application logic, or controllers, can keep on trucking.
Similarly, if you wanted to have more than one user interface that can interact with the application, you can provide them with the application logic/controllers, and let them decide how to present state.
Example Code
As a high level overview, here's the basic structure of the application:
├── app
│ └──
├── common
│ └──
├── data
│ ├── filesystem
│ │ └──
│ └──
├── interface
│ ├── cli
│ │ └──
│ └──
is the meat n' taters, the application logic/modelscommon
is a place to put stuff that can be used by both the app and the data layer, e.g. structs representing data object shapesdata
is where the data layer stuff is put. In this example, the application implements a filesystem based data store, but later on the data store could be implemented using a database, and furthermore could be imported as an entirely separate crate to allow consumers to bring whatever data store they like- The
in this is a humble CLI, but later on there could be a desktop client, a web application, and more - For now I'm keeping this all in one place, so
just spins up an app that uses a filesystem based data store and provides the app as a CLI
/// src/data/
// This provides the filesystem module to the outside world
pub mod filesystem;
// DataStore trait must be implemented by whatever data store is used
// In this example, all data stores must implement the get_stuff function
pub trait DataStore {
fn get_stuff(&self) -> String;
/// src/data/filesystem/
// We're going to implement the DataStore trait
use super::DataStore;
// This struct is an implementation of DataStore that uses the filesystem
pub struct FileSystemDataStore {}
impl FileSystemDataStore {
pub fn new() -> Self {
FileSystemDataStore {}
// Here is where we implement the DataStore trait for the FileSystemDataStore
// This allows for the FileSystemDataStore to be used by the application as its data store
impl DataStore for FileSystemDataStore {
fn get_stuff(&self) -> String {
"I'm getting stuff from the file system".to_string()
/// src/app/
use crate::data::DataStore;
pub struct App<T: DataStore> {
data_store: T,
impl<T: DataStore> App<T> {
// Dependency injection of the data store allows for swapping out the data store implementation
pub fn new(data_store: T) -> Self {
App { data_store }
// This method will call the get_stuff method on the data store
// The magic is that it doesn't care HOW the data is stored, just knows it can retrieve it
pub fn get_stuff(&self) {
/// src/interface/
// exposes the cli module to the outside world
pub mod cli;
/// src/interface/cli/
use crate::{app::App, data::DataStore};
// The Cli struct will be used to run the application from the command line
pub struct Cli<T: DataStore> {
app: App<T>,
impl<T: DataStore> Cli<T> {
pub fn new(app: App<T>) -> Self {
Cli { app }
pub fn run(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {;
Finally, bringing it all together:
/// src/
mod app;
mod data;
mod interface;
use app::App;
use data::filesystem::FileSystemDataStore;
use interface::cli::Cli;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Initialize an implementation of DataStore, in this case a FileSystemDataStore
let filesystem = FileSystemDataStore::new();
// Initialize an instance of App, using the filesystem data store
let app = App::new(filesystem);
// Initialize an instance of the user interface, in this case the Cli struct
let cli = Cli::new(app);
// Run the user interface, allowing it to interact with the underlying app;
And there you have it, a simple demonstration of how the MVC pattern can be used to decouple the concerns of an application so that you are more free to swap out implementation details later, or even provide it in multiple different ways. Thanks for reading my ramblings on this incredibly useful architecture. I for one am looking forward to making use of in projects where it makes sense to.